Drumsheugh Gardens Upkeep Committee (DGUC) is responsible for management and maintenance of the Gardens to ensure they will remain a delightful and enjoyable environment, a prominent Edinburgh New Town Garden in one of the most sought after areas of the City. Owners of property who have entitlement to access private Gardens, pay an annual fee towards the upkeep of the Gardens as managed by a team of volunteers. 



A principal aim is to ensure that views of the Victorian terraced buildings, as seen from within the Gardens, should be respected as much as the views into the Gardens from these surrounding buildings  

The DGUC held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday 15th April in The Bonham Hotel. A summary of the principal matters discussed (decisions made, DGUC membership changes) is provided on the News page. The DGUC welcomed Jacqueline Easson as our new Chair (limited to a 2-year period at Jacqueline's request).



During stormy weather, the very popular Ceanothus (California Lilac) lost its stability (January 2024) and failed. The fallen bush has been removed and options for its replacement are being considered. The Ceanothus in bloom (mid-May to June) was regularly photographed by tourists and neighbours alike, but had suffered from weakening previously...a condition from which it never recovered.



A welcome to Drumsheugh Gardens is extended to The Resident Hotel, finally open after several years in the making, and a splendid replacement for one of the most critiscised buildings in Edinburgh's New Town. The former HMRC occupied Meldrum House was left as an eyesore, covered in a protective skin to prevent the spalling concrete from endangering the public. The Resident, a 164-room apart hotel becomes the largest single contributer to DGUC funds (as they have more floorspace than any other commercial or residential occupier).     

The Gardens are occasionally used for events, on the proviso that the DGUC is provided with several weeks of notice period. Before permission is granted, event hosts are required to confirm that they will comply with a list of issues/restrictions, principally designed to protect the privacy of ALL residents in Drumsheugh Gardens, all of which can be made available upon request through the Contact page to applcants only, once a date and purpose, with a full list of intentions and numbers attending has been defined. As always, we remind hosts that they do not have exclusive access to the Gardens, given that all owners are fully entitled to use the Gardens at all times.