Annual General Meeting (AGM 2024) 


The AGM for the year 2023-2024 was held on 15 April 2024. The principal matters discussed have been recorded in Minutes of the Meeting which can be made available to Owners by application using the Contact page. A summary of these issues and decisions made, is included in the notes below:

  • Jacqueline Easson formally appointed as DGUC Chair (limited to a 2-year period at Jacqueline's request)
  • Jacqueline replaces Derek Crooks, who stood down after a period of illness from which he is recovering well. The meeting recorded appreciation for Derek's input over a relatively short tenure, wishing him well
  • All Committee Members were re-elected, with the exception of Marjory Glenn (who wished to stand down and was thanked for her contribution to the Committee)
  • Annual Fees: No increase proposed and therefore to remain as the previous year
  • Accounts to end-2023 and Budget for 2024 accepted
  • DGUC urged to replace fallen and highly popular Ceanothus (California Lilac) bush, in its former location but including additional examples elsewhere in Gardens
  • Gillian Mylles, General Manager, The Resident Hotel, was welcomed to the meeting, providing assurances over the relationship with the DGUC, and Gardens generally (as previously outlined in the Chair Report). Gillian also confirmed that the hotel is a dog-free environment
  • A number of people indicated their enthusiasm for assisting and/or joining the DGUC
  • As always, all Owners were reminded that the Gardens are there for the benefit of all Owners, therefore anyone using the Gardens should respect everything and everyone within and around the Gardens, leaving it clean and safe for all to use (including the uplifting of dog mess and rubbish after use)
  • Appreciation was noted for the input of DGUC Members, all Owners being reminded that Members all provide their time and, in some cases physical input, on an entirely voluntary basis, alongside their other, non-Gardens related, commitments


The AGM concluded with refreshments provided by The Bonham, with our thanks, as ever, to Douglas Campbell, General Manager, and his team.